Topology Topics
1. The Definition of a Topological Space and Examples of Topologies
1.1. Introduction to Topological Spaces
- The Relative Complement and Complement of a Set
- De Morgan's Laws for the Intersections and Unions of Sets
- Topological Spaces
- The Discrete and Indiscrete Topologies
- Topologies on a Finite 3-Element Set
- The Topology of Open Intervals on the Set of Real Numbers
- The Topology of Closed Intervals on the Set of Real Numbers
- The Initial and Final Segment Topologies
- The Cofinite Topology
- The Countable Complement Topology
- Nested Topologies
- The K-Topology
- The Union and Intersection of Two Topologies
2. Open and Closed Sets, Open Neighbourhoods, Interior Points, Accumulation Points, Closure, Boundary Points, and Hausdorff Spaces
2.1. Open Sets, Closed Sets, and Open Neighbourhoods of a Point
- The Open and Closed Sets of a Topological Space
- The Open and Closed Sets of a Topological Space Examples 1
- The Open and Closed Sets of a Topological Space Examples 2
- The Open Neighbourhoods of Points in a Topological Space
- The Open Neighbourhoods of Points in a Topological Space Examples 1
- The Open Neighbourhoods of Points in a Topological Space Examples 2
2.2. Interior Points of a Set
- The Interior Points of Sets in a Topological Space
- The Interior Points of Sets in a Topological Space Examples 1
- The Interior Points of Sets in a Topological Space Examples 2
- The Interior of Open Sets in a Topological Space
- Basic Theorems Regarding the Interior Points of Sets in a Topological Space
2.3. Accumulation Points of a Set
- Accumulation Points of a Set in a Topological Space
- Accumulation Points, Topological Spaces Examples 1
- Basic Theorems Regarding the Accumulation Points of Sets in a Topological Space
- Criterion for a Set of a Topological Space to be Closed
2.4. The Closure of a Set
- The Closure of a Set in a Topological Space
- The Closure of a Set in a Topological Space Examples 1
- The Closure of a Set in a Topological Space Examples 2
- The Closure of a Set Equals the Union of the Set and Its Accumulation Points
- The Closure of Closed Sets in a Topological Space
- Basic Theorems Regarding the Closure of Sets in a Topological Space
- A Comparison of the Interior and Closure of a Set in a Topological Space
2.5. The Boundary of a Set
- The Boundary of a Set in a Topological Space
- The Boundary of a Set in a Topological Space Examples 1
- The Boundary of Any Set is Closed in a Topological Space
- The Boundary of Clopen Sets in a Topological Space
- Basic Theorems Regarding the Boundary of a Set in a Topological Space
- Boundary Criterion for Open/Closed Sets in a Topological Space
2.6. Dense and Nowhere Dense Sets, The Baire Category Theorem
- Dense and Nowhere Dense Sets in a Topological Space
- Dense and Nowhere Dense Sets - Topological Spaces Examples 1 )
- Basic Theorems Regarding Nowhere Dense Sets in a Topological Space
- Sets of the First and Second Categories in a Topological Space
- Basic Theorems Regarding Sets of the First Category in a Topological Space
- The Baire Category Theorem
2.7. Separable Topological Spaces
- Separable Topological Spaces
- Separable Topological Spaces Examples 1 )
- Countable Topological Spaces are Separable Topological Spaces
- The Countable Chain Condition for Topological Spaces
2.8. Hausdorff Topological Spaces
- Hausdorff Topological Spaces
- Hausdorff Topological Spaces Examples 1
- Hausdorff Topological Spaces Examples 2
- Hausdorff Topological Spaces Examples 3
2.9. Other Forms of Separation
3. Bases for Topologies
3.1. Bases of a Topology
- Bases of a Topology
- Bases of a Topology Examples 1
- Bases of a Topology Examples 2
- A Sufficient Condition for a Collection of Sets to be a Base of a Topology
- Generating Topologies from a Collection of Subsets of a Set
- The Lower and Upper Limit Topologies on the Real Numbers
3.2. Subbases of a Topology
3.3. Local Bases of a Point
- Local Bases of a Point in a Topological Space
- Basic Theorems Regarding Local Bases of a Point in a Topological Space
3.4. Comparability of Topologies
3.5. First and Second Countable Topological Spaces
4. Sequences and Nets, Continuous Maps, and Homeomorphisms
4.1. Sequences and Nets
- Directed Sets
- Sequences and Nets
- Subsequences and Subnets in a Topological Space
- Convergence of Sequences and Nets in Topological Spaces
- Net Criterion for a Point to be an Accumulation Point of a Set
- Net Criterion for a Point to be in the Closure of a Set
- IFF Criterion for Net Convergence Uniqueness
4.2. Continuous Maps on Topological Spaces
- Generalizing Continuity to Maps on Topological Spaces
- Continuous Maps on Topological Spaces
- Continuity of the Composition of Continuous Maps on Topological Spaces
- The Open Neighbourhood Definition of Continuous Maps on Topological Spaces
- Equivalent Statements Regarding Continuous Maps on Topological Spaces
- The Closed Set Definition of Continuous Maps on Topological Spaces
- Summary of Equivalent Statements Regarding Continuous Maps on Topological Spaces
- First Countable Sequential Criterion for Continuity of Maps on Topological Spaces
4.3. The Initial and Final Topologies
4.4. Homeomorphism Between Topological Spaces
- Homeomorphisms on Topological Spaces
- Homeomorphisms on Topological Spaces Examples 1
- Homeomorphisms on Topological Spaces Examples 2
- The Interior of a Set under Homeomorphisms on Topological Spaces
- The Closure of a Set under Homeomorphisms on Topological Spaces
- The Set of Accumulation Points under Homeomorphisms on Topological Spaces
- The Boundary of a Set under Homeomorphisms on Topological Spaces
- First Countability under Homeomorphisms on Topological Spaces
- Second Countability under Homeomorphisms on Topological Spaces
- The Hausdorff Property under Homeomorphisms on Topological Spaces
- Separability under Homeomorphisms on Topological Spaces
- Homeomorphisms on Topological Spaces Review
5. Topological Subspaces, Sums, Products, and Quotients
5.1. Topological Subspaces
- Topological Subspaces
- Topological Subspaces Examples 1
- Topological Subspaces Examples 2
- Open and Closed Sets in Topological Subspaces
- Basic Theorems Regarding Topological Subspaces
- Restricted Metric Subspaces as Topological Subspaces
- Hereditary Properties of Topological Spaces
- Heredity of First Countability on Topological Subspaces
- Heredity of Second Countability on Topological Subspaces
- Heredity of the Hausdorff Property on Topological Subspaces
- Nonheredity of Separability on Topological Subspaces
- Weakly Hereditary Properties of Topological Subspaces
5.2. Topological Sums
5.3. Topological Products
- Finite Topological Products of Topological Spaces
- Projection Mappings of Finite Topological Products
- The Open and Closed Sets of Finite Topological Products
- The Interior of Sets in Finite Topological Products
- The Closure of Sets in Finite Topological Products
- The Set of Accumulation Points in Finite Topological Products
- Dense Sets in Finite Topological Products
- First Countability of Finite Topological Products
- Second Countability of Finite Topological Products
- Separability of Finite Topological Products
- The Hausdorff Property on Finite Topological Products
- Metrizability of Finite Topological Products
- Finite Topological Products Review
- Arbitrary Topological Products of Topological Spaces
- A Basis for Arbitrary Topological Products of Topological Spaces
- Box Topological Products of Topological Spaces
5.4. Topological Quotients
- Topological Quotients
- Open and Closed Sets in Topological Quotients
- Topological Quotients in Euclidean Space
- Topological Quotients from Equivalence Relations Defined by Functions
5.5. The Gluing Lemma
6. Connectedness and Path Connectedness
6.1. Connected and Disconnected Topological Spaces
- Connected and Disconnected Topological Spaces
- Disconnected Topological Spaces Homeomorphic to the Topological Sum of their Separation
- Continuous Two-Valued Function Criterion for Disconnected Topological Space
- Clopen Set Criterion for Disconnected Topological Spaces ( Examples 1 )
- Connected and Disconnected Sets in Topological Spaces
- The Connectedness of the Closure of a Set
- Common Point Criterion for Connectedness of Unions of Topological Subspaces
- Common Connector Criterion for Connectedness of Unions of Topological Subspaces
- Preservation of Connectivity under Continuous Maps
- Connected/Disconnected Criterion for Non-Homeomorphic Topological Spaces
- Non-Homeomorphic Topological Spaces Classified by Connectivity
- Connectedness of Finite Topological Products
- Connectedness of Box Topological Products
- Connected and Disconnected Topological Spaces Review
6.2. Path Connected Topological Spaces
- Path Connected Topological Spaces
- Path Connectivity of Connected Topological Spaces
- Path Connectivity of Countable Unions of Connected Sets
- Path Connectivity of the Range of a Path Connected Set under a Continuous Function
- Path Connectedness of Arbitrary Topological Products
- Path Connectedness of Open and Connected Sets in Euclidean Space
- Locally Connected and Locally Path Connected Topological Spaces
- Path Connected Topological Spaces Review
7. Compactness
7.1. Compactness
- Covers of Sets in a Topological Space
- Compactness of Sets in a Topological Space
- Compactness of Finite Sets in a Topological Space
- Finite Intersection Property Criterion for Compactness in a Topological Space
- Preservation of Compactness under Continuous Maps
- Closed Sets in Compact Topological Spaces
- Compact Sets in Hausdorff Topological Spaces
- Homeomorphisms Between Compact and Hausdorff Spaces
- Quotients from Equivalence Relations defined by Functions from Compact to Hausdorff Spaces
- Compactness Review
7.2. Lindelöf, Countably Compact, and Bolzano-Weierstrass Spaces
- Lindelöf and Countably Compact Topological Spaces
- The Lindelöf Lemma
- Bolzano Weierstrass Topological Spaces
- Hausdorff Spaces Are BW Spaces If and Only If They're Countably Compact
- Compact Spaces as BW Spaces
- The Lebesgue Number Lemma
- Metric Spaces Are Compact Spaces If and Only If They're BW Spaces
- Metric Spaces Are Compact Spaces If and Only If They're Countably Compact
- Local Compactness in a Topological Space* One-Point Compactification of a Topological Space
- The Hausdorff Property on One-Point Compactifications of a Topological Space
- Lindelöf, Countably Compact, and BW Spaces Review
7.3. Tychonoff's Theorem
8. Isotopy and Homotopy
8.1. Isotopy and Ambient Isotopy
8.2. Homotopy
- Homotopically Equivalent Topological Spaces
- Homeomorphic Topological Spaces are Homotopically Equivalent
8.3 Retracts and Deformation Retracts
9. The Fundamental Group of a Topological Space
9.1 The Fundamental Group of a Topological Space
- Products of Paths Relative to {0, 1} in a Topological Space
- Associativity of Products of Paths in a Topological Space
- Constant Paths in a Topological Space
- Inverse Paths in a Topological Spaces
- The Fundamental Group of a Topological Space at a Point
- Fundamental Groups under Homeomorphisms on Topological Spaces
- Simply Connected Topological Spaces
- The Fundamental Groups of a Path Connected Topological Space are Isomorphic
- The Fundamental Groups of Discrete and Indiscrete Topological Spaces
- The Induced Mapping from the Fundamental Groups of Two Topological Spaces
- The Fundamental Group of a Topological Product
- The Fundamental Group of the Cylinder and the Torus
- The Retract Theorem for Subspaces of a Topological Space
- An Example of a Retract that is NOT a Deformation Retract
- The Fundamental Groups of Connected Graphs
- R2 is NOT Homeomorphic to R3
9.2. Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem
- Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem
- Solutions to Systems of Equations by Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem
- The Jordan Curve Theorem
9.3. Group Presentations and Tietze Transformations
- Words Over a Set
- Group Presentations
- A Group Presentation for Zn
- A Group Presentation for S3
- Determining Whether Two Groups are Isomorphic by their Group Presentations
- Tietze Transformations
- Tietze Transformations Example 1
- Tietze Transformations Example 2
- The Free Product of Groups
9.4. The Seifert-van Kampen Theorem
- The Seifert-van Kampen Theorem
- The Seifert-van Kampen Theorem Example 1
- The Seifert-van Kampen Theorem Example 2
- The Seifert-van Kampen Theorem Example 3
- The Seifert-van Kampen Theorem Example 4
9.5. The Classification of Connected Compact 1-Manifolds and 2-Manifolds
- Identifying Polygons and Their Quotient Spaces
- The Classification of Connected Compact 1-Manifolds and 2-Manifolds
- The Classification Theorem for Connected Compact 2-Manifolds
- Examples of Classifying Connected Compact 2-Manifolds 1
9.6. Covering Spaces
- Covering Spaces
- Covering Space Examples - R2 \ {(0, 0)}
- Covering Space Examples - The Projective Plane
- Covering Space Examples - The Bouquet of Two Circles
- Covering Maps are Open Maps
- Lifts of Paths
- The Uniqueness of Universal Covers Theorem
- The Fundamental Group of Spaces and Their Covers
- Covering Space Examples - The Torus
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- 1. An Illustrated Introduction to Topology and Homotopy by Sasho Kalajdzievski.
- 2. General Topology by John L. Kelley.