The Order of an Element in an External Direct Product of Two Groups

The Order of an Element in an External Direct Product of Two Groups

Recall from The External Direct Product of Two Groups page that if $(G, *)$ and $(H, +)$ are two groups then the external direct product of these groups is $(G \times H, \cdot)$ where $\cdot$ is the operation defined for all $(g_1, h_1), (g_2, h_2) \in G \times H$ by:

\begin{align} \quad (g_1, h_1) \cdot (g_2, h_2) = (g_1 * g_2, h_1 + h_2) \end{align}

We will now look at a nice theorem which tells us the order of each element $(g, h) \in G \times H$.

Theorem 1: Let $(G, *)$ and $(H, +)$ be two groups and let $(G \times H, \cdot)$ be their external direct product. If $g$ has order $\mid g \mid = m$ and $h$ has order $\mid h \mid = n$ then the order of $(g, h)$ is $\mathrm{lcm} (\mid g \mid, \mid h \mid) = \mathrm{lcm} (m, n)$.
  • Proof: Let $e_1$ be the identity in $G$ and let $e_2$ be the identity in $H$. Then $e = (e_1, e_2)$ is the identity in $G \times H$. Note that if $L = \mathrm{lcm} (m, n)$ then $L$ is the smallest positive integer such that $m \mid L$ and $n \mid L$ and so there exists $k_1, k_2 \in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $mk_1 = L$ and $nk_2 = L$, so:
\begin{align} \quad (g, h)^L = (g^L, h^L) = (g^{mk_1}, h^{nk_2}) = ((g^m)^{k_1}, (h^n)^{k_2}) = (e_1^{k_1}, e_2^{k_2}) = (e_1, e_2) = e \end{align}
  • Now suppose that there exists a smaller number, $M < L$ such that $(g, h)^M = e$. Then $(g^M, h^M) = (e_1, e_2)$ so $g^M = e_1$ and $h^M = e_2$. So we must have that $m \mid M$ and $n \mid M$. But since $L = \mathrm{lcm} (m, n)$ we see that $M \geq L$ which is a contradiction.
  • Therefore the order of $(g, h)$ is $L = \mathrm{lcm} (\mid g \mid, \mid h \mid)$. $\blacksquare$
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