Abstract Algebra Topics
1. The Set of Integers
1.2. Prime and Composite Numbers, Modular Arithmetic
2. Types of Functions and Operations
3. Groups
3.1. Introduction to Groups and Subgroups
3.1.1. Groups, Subgroups, and Basic Properties of Groups
- Groups
- Subgroups and Group Extensions
- Basic Theorems Regarding Groups
- The Cancellation Law for Groups
- Invertible Elements in Finite Groups that are Not Equal to Themselves
- The Laws of Exponents for Groups
- The Intersection and Union of Two Subgroups
3.1.2. The Order of Elements in a Group
- The Order of Elements in a Group
- Distinct Powers of Elements in a Group
- Basic Theorems Regarding the Order of Elements in a Group
3.1.3. Examples of Groups:
3.2. Abelian Groups
3.2.1. Abelian Groups
- Abelian Groups
- Basic Theorems Regarding Abelian Groups
- The Order of a Nonabelian Group is At Least 6
3.2.2. Examples of Abelian Groups
3.3. Symmetric Groups, Permutation Groups, and Dihedral Groups
3.3.1. Symmetric Groups $(S_n, \circ)$
- Functions from a Group to Itself
- The Symmetric Groups, Sn
- The Symmetric Group of a General n-Element Set
3.3.2. Permutation Groups, $(S_X, \circ)$
3.3.3. Dihedral Groups, $(D_n, \circ)$
3.4. Cycles, Transpositions, and Alternating Groups
3.4.1. Cycle Permutations in $S_n$:
- Cycles in Permutations
- Disjoint Cycles
- Basic Theorems Regarding Disjoint Cycles
- Permutations as Products of Cycles
- Decomposition of Permutations as Products of Disjoint Cycles
3.4.2. Transposition Permutations in $S_n$:
- Transposition Permutations
- Basic Theorems Regarding Transpositions
- Decomposition of Permutations as Products of Transpositions
- Even and Odd Permutations as Products of Transpositions
- The Identity Permutation
3.4.3. Alternating Groups $(A_n, \circ)$
3.5. Cyclic Groups
3.5.1. Cyclic Groups
3.6. Group Homomorphisms, Isomorphisms, and Automorphisms
3.6.1. Group Homomorphisms
- Group Homomorphisms
- Basic Theorems Regarding Group Homomorphisms
- The Kernel of a Group Homomorphism
- Group Homomorphisms Review
3.6.2. Group Isomorphisms
- Group Isomorphisms
- Necessary Conditions for Two Groups to Be Isomorphic
- Basic Theorems Regarding Group Isomorphisms
- Preservation of the Identities and Inverses under Group Isomorphisms
- Preservation of Special Properties under Group Isomorphisms
- Cyclic Groups and their Isomorphisms
- Cayley's Group Isomorphism Theorem
- Group Isomorphisms Review
3.6.3. Group Automorphisms
3.7. Cosets of Subgroups and Lagrange's Theorem
3.7.1. Left and Right Cosets of Subgroups
- Left and Right Cosets of Subgroups
- The Set of Left (Right) Cosets of a Subgroup Partitions the Whole Group
- The Number of Elements in a Left (Right) Coset
- The Index of a Subgroup
3.7.2. Lagrange's Theorem
3.8. Centers, Centralizers, Normalizers, and Normal Subgroups
3.8.1. The Center of a Group and Centralizers
- The Center of a Group G, Z(G)
- The Centralizer of a Subset A of a Group G, CG(A)
- Basic Theorems Regarding Centralizers of a Subset of a Group
3.8.2. Normalizers
- The Normalizer of a Subset A of a Group G, NG(A)
- Basic Theorems Regarding Normalizers of a Subset of a Group
3.8.3. Normal Subgroups of a Group
- Normal Subgroups
- Criteria for a Subgroup to be Normal
- H is a Normal Subgroup of G IFF H is the Kernel of a Homomorphism on G
- The Intersection of Two Normal Subgroups of a Group
- Subgroups of Finite Groups with Unique Order are Normal Subgroups
- Examples of Normal Subgroups of a Group
- Inn(G) is a Normal Subgroup of Aut(G)
3.8.4. Simple Groups
3.9. Direct Products
3.9.1. The Product of Two Subgroups
- The Product HK of Two Subgroups H and K of a Group G
- The Size of HK of Two Subgroups H and K of a Group G
3.9.2. Direct Products of Groups
- The Direct Product of Two Groups
- The Order of an Element in an External Direct Product of Two Groups
- The Direct Product of an Arbitrary Collection of Groups
- The Canonical Projections of Direct Products of Groups
- The Weak Direct Product of an Arbitrary Collection of Groups
- The Canonical Injections of Weak Direct Products of Groups
3.9.3. The Internal Direct Product
- The Internal Direct Product of Two Groups
- Internal Direct Products Isomorphic to External Direct Products
- External and Internal Direct Products Review
3.9.4. The Fundamental Theorem of Finite Abelian Groups
3.11. The Group Isomorphism Theorems
3.11.1. The First Group Isomorphism Theorem
- The First Group Isomorphism Theorem
- An Illustrative Proof of the First Group Isomorphism Theorem
- Criterion for (G/K)/(H/K) to be Isomorphic to (G/H) When H, K are Normal Subgroups of G
- Criterion for G to be Isomorphic to H × K When H, K are Normal Subgroups of G
- Z/nZ is Isomorphic to Zn
- R^x/<-1> is Isomorphic to R^+
- GLn(R)/SL_n(R) is Isomorphic to R^x
- G/Z(G) is Isomorphic to Inn(G)
3.11.2. The Second Group Isomorphism Theorem
- The Intersection of a Normal Subgroup with a Subgroup is a Normal Subgroup
- The Second Group Isomorphism Theorem
3.11.3. The Third Group Isomorphism Theorem
3.12. Free Groups on a Set
3.12.1. Free Groups
3.13. Conjugacy
3.13.1. Conjugacy
- Conjugate Elements in a Group
- IFF Criterion for y to be a Conjugate of x^n
- Conjugate Subgroups of a Group
- Conjugacy Classes of a Group
- The Class Equation
3.13.2. p-Groups and Burnside's Theorem for p-Groups
- p-Groups
- Burnside's Theorem for p-Groups
- Every Group of Order p^2 is Abelian
- The Center Z(G) of a Nonabelian Group of Order p^3 is p
3.13.3. Cauchy's Theorem
3.13.4. Examples of Conjugacy Classes
3.14. Group Actions of a Group on a Set
3.14.1. Group Actions
- Group Actions of a Group on a Set
- The Trivial Group Action of a Group on a Set
- The Left and Right Regular Group Actions of a Group on Itself
- A Group Action of the Symmetric Group SX on the Set X
- The Group Action of Conjugation of a Subgroup on a Group
- Faithful Group Actions of a Group on a Set
3.14.2. Orbits and Stabilizers
3.15. The Sylow Theorems
3.15.1. Sylow p-Subgroups and The Sylow Theorems
3.16. Solvable Groups
3.16.1. Composition Series and the Jordan-Hölder Theorem
- Composition Series in a Group
- The Jordan-Hölder Theorem
- The Order of a Finite Group is the Product of the Orders of its Composition Factors
3.16.2. Commutators and the Derived Subgroup of a Group
- The Commutator of Two Elements in a Group
- The Derived Subgroup of a Group
- Basic Theorems Regarding the Derived Subgroup of a Group
3.16.3. Solvable Groups
- Solvable Groups
- Composition Factor Criterion for a Finite Group to be Solvable
- nth Derived Subgroup Criterion for a Group to be Solvable
- Every p-Group is Solvable
- Every Group of Order pq is Solvable
- Every Group of Order p^2q is Solvable
- The Homomorphic Image of a Solvable Group is Solvable
3.16.4. Characteristic Subgroups of a Group
3.17. Group Representations
3.17.1. Group Representations
3.17.2. Maschke's Theorem
- Unitary Group Representations
- Weyl's Unitarity Trick
- Maschke's Theorem
- Homomorphisms and Endomorphisms of Group Representations
- Schur's Lemma
- Algebras over C
- Division Algebras over C
- The Dual Representation of a Group Representation
3.17.4. The Character of a Group Representation
- Determinant Group Representations
- The Character of a Group Representation
- The Orthogonality Theorem for Characters of Irreducible Group Representations
- Corollaries to the Orthogonality Theorem for Characters of Irreducible Group Representations
3.17.5. The Left Regular Representation
3.18. Index of Common Groups
4. Rings
4.1. Introduction to Rings and Subrings
4.1.1. Rings, Subrings, and Basic Properties of Rings
4.1.2. Units in a Ring
4.1.3. Examples of Rings
4.2. Commutative Rings
4.2.1. Commutative Rings
4.2.2 Examples of Commutative Rings
6.2. Ideals, Quotient Rings, and Ring Homomorphisms/Isomorphisms/Automorphisms
6.3. Commutative Rings, Division Rings, and Integral Domains
6.4. Special Types of Integral Domains: PIDs, EDs, and UFDs
- Principal Ideals and Principal Ideal Domains (PIDs)
- The Principal Ideal Domain of Polynomials over a Field
- Units (Multiplicatively Invertible Elements) in Rings
- The Set of Units in Mnn
- The Set of Units of a Ring forms a Group under *
- Divisors of Elements in Commutative Rings
- Associates of Elements in Commutative Rings
- The Greatest Common Divisor of Elements in a Commutative Ring
- Irreducible Elements in a Commutative Ring
5. Fields
5.1. Introduction to Fields and Subfields
5.2. Polynomials over Fields
- Polynomials over a Field
- Basic Theorems Regarding Polynomials over a Field
- The Remainder Theorem for Polynomials over a Field
- Roots of Polynomials over a Field
- The Division Algorithm for Polynomials over a Field
- Ideals in the Set of Polynomials over a Field
- The Greatest Common Divisor of Polynomials over a Field
- Reducible and Irreducible Polynomials over a Field
- Congruence Classes of Polynomials Modulo p(x) over a Field
- Basic Theorems Regarding Congruence Classes of Polynomials Modulo p(x) over a Field
- Multiplicative Inverses of Congruence Classes of Polynomials Modulo p(x) over a Field
- The Field of Congruence Classes of Polynomials Modulo p(x) over a Field
- Kronecker's Field Extension Theorem
- Roots of Polynomials over Z with Rational Roots
- Primitive Polynomials over Z
- Gauss' Primitive Polynomial Lemma
- Eisenstein's Irreducible Polynomial Criterion for Polynomials over Z that are Irreducible over Q
6. Subnormal Series in a Group
6.1. Subnormal Series
- Subnormal Series in a Group
- Equivalent Subnormal Series in a Group
- Composition Series in a Group
- The Jordan-Hölder Theorem
- Solvable Groups
- Nilpotent Groups
- Inclusion Diagram for Cyclic, Abelian, Nilpotent, and Solvable Groups
- The Commutator of Two Elements in a Group
3.15.1. Nilpotent Groups
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- 1. Abstract Algebra (3rd Edition) by John A. Beachy and William D. Blair.
- 2. Abstract Algebra (3rd Edition) by David S. Dummit and Richard M. Foote.